Hello, My name is Zahid Asghar. I joined the Lincoln School of Health & Social Care in September 2011. My background is in mathematical modeling and medical statistics. Currently I am working on a case control study and a self-controlled case series study to investigate the potential for influenza and/or pneumococcal vaccination to prevent against stroke and transient ischemic attack (IPVASTIA). The study is funded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Research for Patient Benefit programme and the study team led by Prof Niro Siriwardena (Lincoln) include Dr Carol Coupland (Nottingham University) and Stella Gwini (Monash University, Australia).

Previously I have worked as an infectious disease modeler at Imperial College, London (over five years), Medical Statistician at Nottingham University for chronic liver disease and as a mathematical modeler, data analyst and statistician at Liverpool University, forecasting coronary heart disease and mortality projections for the UK. I have extensive experience in data management and computer programming. I developed algorithmic code to aid policy and advocacy as well as calculated the prevalence of disease burden such as HIV in different country settings.