The team bade farewell to two members of CaHRU, Dr Ravindra (Ravi) Pathirathna and Dr Rebecca (Becky) Marples at a goodbye lunch on 28 March 2019. Although sad to see both colleagues leave it was also a time to celebrate their achievements at CaHRU.
Rebecca worked at CaHRU for two and a half years under Dr Coral Sirdifield on the NIHR Research for Patient Benefit funded study: Improving healthcare commissioning for probation: mapping the landscape. This led to development of a toolkit which will help commissioners and staff delivering health services to effectively measure and improve the quality of probationers’ healthcare. Becky is moving to the University of Leeds.
Ravi, who trained in hospital management, completed a two year fellowship at CaHRU funded by the Sri Lankan government through the Postgraduate Institute of Medicine at the University of Colombo. He presented a summary of his work here in the UK to colleagues (below). Among other achievement, during his time in CaHRU Ravi completed a peer reviewed publication, contributed to the PhoEBE programme, undertook systematic review training, and conducted improvement projects linked to the new ambulance service in Sri Lanka. He also worked with and supported other members of the team and his fellow international visiting fellows. Ravi has been appointed as Deputy Director of the Specialised Children’s Hospital in
Peradeniya, one of the two specialized Children’s hospitals in Sri Lanka.
We wished both colleagues well exchanged gifts and enjoyed a convivial lunch overlooking the Brayford.
By Prof Niro Siriwardena