Greg Whitley presents at College of Paramedics 3rd National Research Conference, UK

The College of Paramedics held their 3rd National Research Conference on the 24th September 2019 in Cardiff. The keynote speaker was Dr Nigel Rees who gave the ‘Malcolm Woollard lecture’. Nigel discussed the life of Archibald Leman Cochrane and the relevance of his life and philosophy to modern paramedics which was well received by delegates. For the conference Greg Whitley, CLAHRC-HEEM PhD fellow at CaHRU, presented abstracts for the first two studies of his PhD; a systematic mixed studies review and a cross-sectional study, which were accepted for both poster and oral presentations.

‘The predictors, barriers and facilitators to effective management of acute pain in children by ambulance services: A systematic mixed studies review’ was presented as a poster and was well received. The poster can be viewed here at the University of Lincoln repository.

Greg gave an oral presentation on, ‘Predictors of effective management of acute pain in children within a UK ambulance service: a cross-sectional study’. The presentation received positive feedback from delegates and number of third year paramedic students from the University of Hertfordshire were interested in pre-hospital pain management in children and requested more information and advice after the presentation. The abstract for the oral presentation will be published in the December 2019 issue of the British Paramedic Journal.

Both studies have been submitted to peer reviewed journals and are due to be publsihed in the near future. Greg is currently working on a qualitative approach to explain the findings of the cross-sectional study.

By Gregory Whitley

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