Improving healthcare commissioning for probation: mapping the landscape

The Improving Healthcare Commissioning for Probation: Mapping the Landscape project was funded by the NIHR and examined:
• How healthcare is provided for people under probation supervision in the community
• What research tells us about good practice for improving the health of people under probation supervision, and
• What mechanisms can be used to measure and facilitate improvements in the quality of healthcare provision for this population

Data were collected using a mixed-methods approach that included a narrative systematic review with a brief online surveys of all key stakeholders in England, analysis of policy and procedure documents, and telephone interviews with key stakeholders in six areas of the country to examine practice in more detail.

Ultimately, the research team aimed to bring all of the findings together into a toolkit for commissioners and practitioners working in the healthcare in justice field.

The project has now come to a close, and key findings from the research have been summarised in the infographic below, which was produced by Dr Sirdifield in consultation with one of the project’s service user representatives.

The commissioning toolkit produced from the project is freely available to download at, and contains sections on the likely health needs of people under probation supervision, current service provision (including potential examples of good practice), and some preliminary suggestions around measuring and improving the health of people in contact with probation and the quality of healthcare that they receive.

Numerous publications have been produced from this project, which are listed here:

This blog presents independent research funded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR)
under its Research for Patient Benefit (RfPB) Programme (Grant Reference Number PB-PG-0815-
20012). The views expressed are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of the NIHR or the
Department of Health and Social Care.

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