Would you like to take part in a study to explore Medical Student First Responder schemes?
Are you/ have you been a Medical Student First Responder (MSFR)?
- Are you currently studying medicine at one of the following Universities? Oxford, Buckingham, Southampton, Nottingham, Leicester
The University of Lincoln is collaborating with two UK ambulance services to conduct a study to explore MSFR schemes in the UK. The purpose of this study is to identify the perceptions and experiences of medical students who have enrolled themselves voluntarily to a MSFR scheme. We hope that the results of this study will enable us to make recommendations that will lead to improvements in the MSFR schemes.
We would like to interview medical students who are currently working as MSFRs, as well as medical students who have previously worked as MSFRs but are no longer involved, to find out their perceptions and experiences.
By collecting this information, we hope to be able to make recommendations that will help to improve MSFR schemes across the country in the future.
The study will involve an online/ telephone interview lasting up to 60 minutes with a member of the research team. You will receive a certificate of participation following the interview.
If you would like to take part in an interview, and are a medical student first responder at one of the universities listed, please contact us at email: n.siriwardena@nhs.net or mobile: (0)7843 658949.