The Community and Health Research Unit team received the team achievement award for research for the sixth successive year for 2021 at this year’s team awards.
The team includes Profs Niro Siriwardena and Graham Law, Drs Murray Smith, Coral Sirdifield, Zahid Asghar, Stephanie Armstrong, Julie Pattinson, Joseph Akanuwe, Elise Rowan, Vanessa Botan, Greg Whitley, with Viet-Hai Phung, Despina Laparidou and Sue Bowler. It also includes visiting international and associate staff including Dr Indika Wanninayake, Dr Maria Kordowicz, and Prof Roderick Orner. Members of the team who have left recently include Drs Nimali Wijegoonewardene and Dr Colin Ridyard, while we have been recently joined by Dr Gupteswar Patel.
The team have had a busy year, made more difficult by the pandemic, but have managed to begin 12 new externally funded studies and continued more than 30 others, including major programmes on COVID and clinical trials through the Lincoln Clinical Trials Unit (LinCTU). The team have maintained bid success in competitive high-quality external research funding iwith
10 grants totalling over £1.8 million and over £800 thousand awarded to Lincoln, including prestigious funding from RCUK, NIHR and UKRI.
Dr Vanessa Botan, on behalf of the Ambu-HS2 team, was awarded the highest quality research at the 999 Emergency Medical Services annual conference and in addition to other conference presentations, 25 papers were published or accepted over the past year. The team have progressively built long-term collaborations with academia and health services in the UK and internationally including major new collaborations with McMaster Canada (EDGE consortium) and Kingston Universities. In addition, the team were major contributors to REF2021 through the Allied Health submission and also led the development of the Lincoln Clinical Trials Unit.