Dr Alison Cooper MBBCh MRCGP PhD, Clinical Research Fellow, Cardiff University will give the January research seminar on the topic of “Realist methods used in the GPs in EDs Study” The seminar takes place on Teams on Wednesday 26th January 2022 from 1100 – 1200
‘GPs in EDs’ is a NIHR funded study led by Prof Adrian Edwards at Cardiff University – a realist evaluation of the effectiveness, patient safety, patient experience and wider system implications of GPs working in or alongside emergency departments’. I will describe our theory-driven realist methodological approach to this complex mixed-methods study.
In phase one we developed initial theories about current practice from: a rapid realist review, a national survey and key informant interviews, a national stakeholder event and analysis of patient safety incident reports. In phase two we collected and analysed qualitative (observations/interviews) and quantitative data (accessed via NHS Digital/NWIS for interrupted time series analysis) from a purposive sample of 13 case study sites. Phase three will involve the triangulation of each data set to refine our theories and develop our programme theory along with a toolkit for stakeholders based on our findings.
My PhD as part of this study focused on the potential patient safety implications of these service models and how they could be mitigated. I also work as a salaried GP in Rumney Primary Care Centre, Cardiff and lead stakeholder liaison for the Wales Covid-19 Evidence Centre.
If you would like to attend the seminar, please contact Sue Bowler sbowler@lincoln.ac.uk