Improvement Science and Research Methods seminar February 2022: Dr Harriet Moore on Novel use of ambulance data to identify vulnerable communities in the pandemic

The February 2022 CaHRU Improvement Science and Research Method seminar was presented by Dr Harriet Moore on ‘Novel use of ambulance data to identify vulnerable communities in the early days of new pandemic’. Dr Moore is an interdisciplinary researcher and Continue reading Improvement Science and Research Methods seminar February 2022: Dr Harriet Moore on Novel use of ambulance data to identify vulnerable communities in the pandemic

Dr Harriet Moore leading research on mental health and emergencies during COVID-19

Ambulance records indicate severe health conditions that have escalated resulting in acute symptoms, often requiring urgent medical attention. During the COVID-19 pandemic our research team, led by Dr Harriet Moore from School of Geography with CaHRU and the Lincoln Institute Continue reading Dr Harriet Moore leading research on mental health and emergencies during COVID-19

CaHRU at THIS Space 2021 on the evidence for improving cross-sector working

Prof Niro Siriwardena gave an invited keynote presentation on 24 November at THIS Space 2021, the annual flagship event of The Healthcare Improvement Studies Institute at Cambridge University led by Prof Mary Dixon-Woods, on the topic of, ‘Improving the evidence Continue reading CaHRU at THIS Space 2021 on the evidence for improving cross-sector working

CaHRU receives university team achievement award for research 2021

The Community and Health Research Unit team received the team achievement award for research for the sixth successive year for 2021 at this year’s team awards. The team includes Profs Niro Siriwardena and Graham Law, Drs Murray Smith, Coral Sirdifield, Continue reading CaHRU receives university team achievement award for research 2021