CaHRU team attends 999 EMS Research Forum conference in Bristol

EMS999_spaceSix members of the CaHRU team recently attended the 999 EMS Research Forum conference on Wednesday 29th March 2017 at the Bristol Science Centre. The team members attending were Professor Niro Siriwardena, Dr Zahid Asghar, Dr Stephanie Armstrong, Mr Viet-Hai Phung, Laura Simpson and Joseph Akanuwe.

Chiral_logoThe 999 EMS Research Forum is an international partnership bringing together academics and health-care providers with interest in emergency care research. The forum aims to encourage, promote and disseminate research and evidence-based policy and practice in prehospital healthcare. The conference, which was hosted by the South Western Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust, included keynote presentations, peer-reviewed presentations, moderated poster presentation sessions and the presentation of prizes and closing remarks.

999EMS_BengerThe conference theme was, “The way forward for Emergency care Research: Inclusion; Collaboration; Sustainability”. The morning was chaired by Professor Jonathan Benger. Keynote speakers included: Professor Ann John of Swansea University Medical School who discussed the emergency care of people who self-harm; Dr Sarah Voss of the University of the West of England, who discussed the social and cultural influences on the design and delivery of collaborative research in emergency care. Other keynote speakers were: Janette Turner of the University of Sheffield, who spoke on the “Ambulance Response Programme”; and Dr Andrew Appelboam with Alex Sharp who presented the, “REVERT to the future: Dissemination and Implementation” study. Last but not the least was Professor Steve Goodacre, Chair of the NIHR Health Technology Assessment Clinical Evaluation and Trials Board, who talked about the way forward with Health Technology Assessment and the HTA programme.

999EMS_CosterThere followed five interesting oral presentations of the highest rated peer-reviewed abstracts submitted. First, Jonathan Chippendale from the East Midlands Ambulance Service NHS Trust, presented a pilot study to assess the feasibility of paramedics delivering antibiotics to ‘red flag’ sepsis patients. Next, Joanne Coster from the University of Sheffield talked about the multi-method consensus development of new ambulance service quality and performance measures. Dr Mathew Booker of the University of Bristol drew on early findings from their prehospital ethnographic study and discussed why primary care problems end up receiving ambulance treatment.

WP_20170328_17_49_05_RichThe moderated poster sessions involved a five minute presentation with two minutes for questions and answers per poster. Members of the CaHRU team presented high quality posters. Professor Niro Siriwardena led the poster presentation on: a reliability and validity of an Ambulance Patient Reported Experience Measure (A-PREM) pilot study. Dr Zahid Asghar presented the poster on a cross section study which explores factors increasing paramedics’ likelihood of administering analgesia in prehospital pain (EXPLAIN). Dr Stephanie Armstrong presented the poster on: consent as an ethical consideration in the conduct of prehospital ambulance randomised controlled clinical trials: a systematic review.

The conference proved interesting and worthwhile with opportunities to learn and meet potential research collaborators. The presentation of prizes to deserving winners and closing remarks brought the conference to a close.

By Joseph Akanuwe

East Midlands Research Engaging Patients and the Public Event – CaHRU Masterclass on PPI in research in underserved communities

Staff from CaHRU contributed to the recent East Midlands Research Engaging Patients and the Public Event held on Thursday 23rd March 2017 at Leicester Diabetes Centre by giving a masterclass on patient and public involvement (PPI) in research. The event was designed for researchers and lay people interested in PPI supporting research addressing the needs of underserved and seldom heard communities. The event began with a keynote session Viet-Hai at REPP March 2017exploring the regional and local picture of PPI. This was followed by a number of masterclasses.

The masterclass run by staff from CaHRU was given by Dr Jo Middlemass (Research Fellow/Nurse) together with Ms Despina Laparidou (Research Assistant), Mr Viet-Hai Phung (Research Assistant) and Mrs Pauline Mountain, Independent Patient and Public Representative from the Healthier Ageing Patient and Public Involvement (HAPPI) group. The masterclass focussed on PPI with older people and ethnic minority groups. Pauline talked about her involvement in the HAPPI group and connectivity to other carers and related organisations. Viet-Hai spoke about his doctoral study on people from ethnic minority groups from Eastern European countries. Despina discussed reaching carers of people with dementia.

The session was well received by participants and contributed to the overall success of the event. The HAPPI group continue to support studies in primary and prehospital care involving CaHRU and collaborating academic institutions and NHS organisations.

By Jo Middlemass

Joseph Akanuwe presents doctoral research on cancer detection at early diagnosis research conference

JosephJoseph Akanuwe, research assistant at CaHRU, recently attended the Cancer Research UK’s Fourth Biennial Early Diagnosis Research Conference on 23rd and 24th February 2017 in London. Joseph whose abstract was selected for a poster presentation was awarded a bursary to attend the conference. As part of an Early Career Researcher programme, Joseph was also invited to make a PechaKucha (3 minute) oral presentation of his work on early detection of cancer risk in primary care using QCancer, a novel cancer risk assessment tool.

crukedApart from providing an opportunity for Joseph to explain his work to other researchers, policy makers and practitioners with interest in early diagnosis of cancer, the conference included a wide range of speakers from various fields, with a potential for making a significant difference to the field of early diagnosis research and a positive impact for patients. The conference materials including posters, papers/abstracts, conference photos and film will soon be available at the Cancer Research UK website.

Overall, the conference presented an opportunity to share, learn, network and understand the latest developments in early diagnosis research.

By Joseph Akanuwe

University of Lincoln hosts Society of Academic Primary Care Trent Regional Conference

The Community and Health Research Unit and University of Lincoln hosted this year’s Trent Regional SAPC Spring sapc_lincoln1Conference at the Hilton Doubletree Hotel on Brayford Wharf in Lincoln. The conference included delegates from the Universities of Lincoln, Nottingham, Leicester and Sheffield and all over our region presenting and learning about the latest in primary care research and educational through orals, posters and workshops.

The conference keynote speakers were Chris Burton, Professor of Primary Care and Head of the Academic Unit of Primary Medical Care at the University of Sheffield, Aneez Esmail, Professor of General Practice at the University of Manchester and Navjoyt Ladher, clinical editor at The BMJ. The conference was chaired by Professor Niro Siriwardena, Professor of Primary and Prehospital Healthcare and opened by Professor Sara Owen, Pro Vice Chancellor and Head of the College of Social Science at the University of Lincoln. Prof Burton, new in post at Sheffield, gave the first keynote in place of Prof Nigel Mathers who was recovering from illness. Everyone wished Prof Mathers well for his convalescence and return to health.

Prof Owen’s opening talk focussed on the rapid development and expansion in science and health research and teaching at Lincoln. Chris Burton’s opening keynote focussed on ‘Complexity’, commonly used, misused and sapc_lincoln2misunderstood in healthcare and research. He described the mathematics of complexity as he had applied it in his research to issues such as frequent health service use and how these were described by ‘heavy-tailed’ or log-log distributions.

There followed a series of excellent morning oral presentations, workshops and posters. Before lunch, Prof Esmail gave another outstanding keynote, ‘The problem with patient safety – challenging orthodoxies’ He certainly did challenge the conventional approach to patient safety and described how conventional attempts to reduce harm, in particularly using a target-driven approach, could lead to poorer outcomes and how it was necessary, even important, to accept some risk for better outcomes.

After lunch and viewing of the excellent posters on display, we were treated to further oral presentations and another educational workshop. The meeting ended with our final keynote from Dr Navjoyt Ladher, clinical editor at the British sapc_lincoln3Medical Journal, who spoke eloquently about ‘Goldilocks medicine’ and the art of getting medicine right, particularly focussing on the harms of medicalisation and overtreatment. She went onto to talk about the editorial process at the BMJ, while encouraging primary care researchers to submit their studies to the journal.

The day ended with prizes awarded to the best poster, ‘Predictors of postpartum return to smoking: a systematic review’ by Sophie Orton, Tim Coleman, Tom Coleman-Haynes and Michael Ussher of Nottingham University, and the best oral presentation, which went to Michael Toze from CaHRU at the University of Lincoln for his doctoral research presentation, ‘Coming out in general practice: the experience of older LGBT patients’. Flowers, wine and a big vote of thanks went to Sue Bowler for her work organising the conference and making the day such a success, supported by the CaHRU team and members of staff from the other institutions involved.

By Niro Siriwardena


Improving healthcare commissioning for probation: mapping the landscape

Healthcare services available to probationers and how they access them will be examined as part of a new research project.

The project, funded by the National Institute of Health Research (NIHR) Research for Patient Benefit Programme aims to produce a toolkit which will help commissioners and staff delivering health services to effectively measure and improve the quality of probationers’ healthcare.

Researchers say better healthcare could help increase the number of people successfully completing community sentences and could potentially reduce the rate of recidivism, while also saving the NHS substantial sums of money by reducing the unnecessary use of urgent and emergency services.

The research, led by the University of Lincoln (Dr Coral Sirdifield, Professor Niro Siriwardena) with colleagues from Royal Holloway, University of London (Professor David Denney, Professor Charlie Brooker), will address three key areas: the best way of providing healthcare to achieve good health outcomes for probationers; how healthcare is currently delivered to probationers, for example by probation services, through local partnerships, or through clinical commissioning groups; and what data are already available that could be used to measure and improve probationers’ health and the quality of their healthcare.

The team of researchers will carry out a literature review of the existing studies, conduct national surveys, examine written policy and procedure documents, and conduct telephone interviews with senior members of probation and health services.

Lead investigator, Dr Coral Sirdifield from the University of Lincoln’s School of Health and Social Care, said: “There are more than 200,000 offenders on probation in the UK, and they are often deprived, vulnerable and have complex health needs such as mental health, drug and alcohol problems compared with the general population.

probation wordcloud“Many probationers are not registered with a GP, or only access healthcare during crises. To reduce health inequalities, we first need to understand how healthcare is provided to probationers, and how its quality can be measured and improved.

“This is important because providing better, evidence-based healthcare will improve probationers’ health, increase their chances of completing probation, and could potentially reduce their risk of reoffending. There are potential cost savings to the NHS by reducing the unnecessary use of urgent and emergency services.”

The grant bid was put together following consultation with probation workers and service users to ensure the research would tackle relevant issues. Those probation workers and the service users will be on the project steering group and will help develop information resources, carry out interviews, and share the findings of the study. The funding is just under £150,000.

The findings will be shared with all participants, relevant organisations and policy makers as a toolkit, and submitted to relevant journals for publication.

Details on the research as it progresses will be uploaded to the Community and Health Research Unit at the University of Lincoln. Visit for more.

The National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) is funded by the Department of Health to improve the health and wealth of the nation through research. The NIHR is the research arm of the NHS. Since its establishment in April 2006, the NIHR has transformed research in the NHS. It has increased the volume of applied health research for the benefit of patients and the public, driven faster translation of basic science discoveries into tangible benefits for patients and the economy, and developed and supported the people who conduct and contribute to applied health research. The NIHR plays a key role in the Government’s strategy for economic growth, attracting investment by the life-sciences industries through its world-class infrastructure for health research. Together, the NIHR people, programmes, centres of excellence and systems represent the most integrated health research system in the world. For further information, visit the NIHR website (