Farewell to international visiting fellow Dr Nadeeka Chandraratne

nadeeka presentation

Members of the CaHRU team had the opportunity to hear firsthand the experiences and achievements of one of our first international visiting fellows from the University of Colombo during her time at the University of Lincoln, and before she travels Continue reading Farewell to international visiting fellow Dr Nadeeka Chandraratne

Sleep and Health at the UK Parliamentary Office for Science and Technology


Dr Julie Pattinson and Professor Graham Law from the Community and Health Research Unit (CaHRU) were recently invited and attended the Sleep and Health seminar hosted by the Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology on October 16th 2018. The seminar Continue reading Sleep and Health at the UK Parliamentary Office for Science and Technology

Placebos and sleep


You may have seen ‘The placebo experiment: can my brain cure my body?‘ recently broadcast on the BBC. This was a fascinating programme in which doctor and broadcaster Dr Michael Mosley, who I met recently at his ‘Great Lives’ lecture Continue reading Placebos and sleep

CaHRU sleep research cited in UK parliamentary briefings on Sleep and Health

Water Lily

Research from CaHRU was cited in the recently published parliamentary briefing on Sleep and Health and Sleep and Long-term Health. The briefing was issued as a POSTnote from the Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology and cited CAHRU’s work on primary care Continue reading CaHRU sleep research cited in UK parliamentary briefings on Sleep and Health