New book chapter from CaHRU on equality and diversity in prehospital ambulance care

A paramedic and his 4x4 emergency vehicle

A new book, Ambulance Services: Leadership and Management Perspectives by Professors Paresh Wankhade and Kevin Mackway-Jones, features a chapter on equality and diversity in prehospital care, co-authored by Viet-Hai Phung and Prof Niro Siriwardena of CaHRU together with Dr Karen Continue reading New book chapter from CaHRU on equality and diversity in prehospital ambulance care

Fighting for real equality in healthcare for people on probation


If David Cameron is serious about his promise yesterday in Manchester to end discrimination and “finish the fight for real equality” he should examine the way that CCGs are funding healthcare in probation. People on probation are a deprived and Continue reading Fighting for real equality in healthcare for people on probation

Article on patient experiences of ambulance care published in Ambulance Today

Paramedic with patient in an ambulance

An article entitled, ‘Feeling reassured: the glue that holds together patients’ experiences of ambulance service care’ was published in the autumn (September) issue of Ambulance Today. The article by Prof Niro Siriwardena and Fiona Togher, based on work undertaken as Continue reading Article on patient experiences of ambulance care published in Ambulance Today

CaHRU presents at European Forum for Primary Care Conference in Amsterdam

Coral Ana Niro

Members of CaHRU, Dr Coral Sirdifield, Ana Godoy and Prof Niro Siriwardena attended the annual conference of the European Forum for Primary Care (EFPC), ‘Integrated primary care: research, policy and practice’, at the Tobacco Museum in Amsterdam from 30 August Continue reading CaHRU presents at European Forum for Primary Care Conference in Amsterdam