Quality improvement in primary care: the essential guide

A new book, ‘Quality Improvement in Primary Care: the essential guide‘ has recently been published by Radcliffe. The book is co-authored by Dr Steve Gillam (Cambridge University) and Professor Niro Siriwardena (Director of CaHRU, University of Lincoln). The content was developed Continue reading Quality improvement in primary care: the essential guide

Identifying barriers and facilitators to ambulance service assessment and treatment of acute asthma: a focus group study

EMAS paramedic

Researchers in CaHRU and East Midlands Ambulance Service NHS Trust (EMAS) have published a new study: “Identifying barriers and facilitators to ambulance service assessment and treatment of acute asthma: a focus group study” in BMC Emergency Medicine. The study’s lead Continue reading Identifying barriers and facilitators to ambulance service assessment and treatment of acute asthma: a focus group study

Paramedics’ views on their role in an ambulance based trial of ultra-acute stroke

Paramedic driving an ambulance

Novel treatments for stroke are increasingly being tested and delivered in the ultra-acute period during initial presentation to ambulance services. In the first feasibility trial of nitroglycerin (glyceryl trinitrate) in ultra-acute stroke (RIGHT) there were early indications of improvements in Continue reading Paramedics’ views on their role in an ambulance based trial of ultra-acute stroke

New study on genetic tests for cardiovascular disease in primary care

Molecular model: DNA

In a world where genetic tests for coronary heart disease (CHD) are becoming increasingly commercially available, how do patients make sense of the results particularly when considered alongside the results from routine cardiovascular risk assessments undertaken by their general practitioner? Continue reading New study on genetic tests for cardiovascular disease in primary care

CaHRU goes to the 999 EMS Research Forum in Sheffield

poster presentation

Viet-Hai Phung, Fiona Clapton, Dr Karen Windle, Dr Zahid Asghar, Professor Niro Siriwardena attended the 999 EMS Research Forum in Sheffield on 19 February 2014. Also attending were Nadya Essam, Debbie Shaw, Mohammad Iqbal and Anne Spaight, visiting research fellows Continue reading CaHRU goes to the 999 EMS Research Forum in Sheffield