Maximising positive mental health outcomes for people under probation supervision

Dr Coral Sirdifield (CaHRU, University of Lincoln), and Professor Charlie Brooker (Royal Holloway, University of London) have produced an Academic Insights report for Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Probation, which was published on the 13th of August 2020. The report provides Continue reading Maximising positive mental health outcomes for people under probation supervision

Improvement science and research methods seminar July 2020: Dr Brian Crosbie on Actor Network Theory and health research

The latest in the seminar series was given on 15 July 2020 by Dr Brian Crosbie, senior methods adviser for NIHR East Midlands Research Design Service and a sociologist with an interest in science and technology studies. His PhD concerned Continue reading Improvement science and research methods seminar July 2020: Dr Brian Crosbie on Actor Network Theory and health research

Vanessa Botan joins CaHRU as a medical statistician

Vanessa Botan joined CaHRU this June 2020 as a Post-Doctoral Research Associate in Medical Statistics to work on national NIHR funded studies of Community First Responders and studies using ambulance data investigating implementation and improvement as part of the NIHR Continue reading Vanessa Botan joins CaHRU as a medical statistician