Rachel Hawley attends ‘The Value of Values in Health and Social Care Leadership’ Conference


Rachel Hawley recently attended ‘The Value of Values in Health and Social Care Leadership’ conference at the Centre for Leadership, Sheffield Hallam University on 18 September, on behalf of the Community and Health Research Unity. This inaugural event was a Continue reading Rachel Hawley attends ‘The Value of Values in Health and Social Care Leadership’ Conference

New evidence synthesis on effectiveness of different models of delivering urgent care published

A paramedic and his 4x4 emergency vehicle

A new study ‘What evidence is there on the effectiveness of different models of delivering urgent care? A rapid review‘ was published this month, and included CaHRU’s Viet-Hai Phung as one of the report co-authors. Over the last 15 years, Continue reading New evidence synthesis on effectiveness of different models of delivering urgent care published

Identifying barriers and facilitators to ambulance service assessment and treatment of acute asthma: a focus group study

EMAS paramedic

Researchers in CaHRU and East Midlands Ambulance Service NHS Trust (EMAS) have published a new study: “Identifying barriers and facilitators to ambulance service assessment and treatment of acute asthma: a focus group study” in BMC Emergency Medicine. The study’s lead Continue reading Identifying barriers and facilitators to ambulance service assessment and treatment of acute asthma: a focus group study

Improvement Science and Research Methods seminar: A journey through health economics with Prof Dr Darrin Baines

New York Taxi

In the latest in our series of Improvement Science and Methods seminars hosted by CaHRU on Tuesday 24th of June Prof Darrin Baines guided us on a ‘Journey through Health Economics’. Prof Baines was previously Associate Professor in Health Economics Continue reading Improvement Science and Research Methods seminar: A journey through health economics with Prof Dr Darrin Baines