International Paramedic Research Conference 2021: Malcolm Woollard Lecture by Dr Gregory Whitley

The first 24-hour international paramedic research conference was hosted by the College of Paramedics (UK), the Australasian College of Paramedicine and the Prehospital Care Research Forum at the UCLA Centre for Prehospital Care on the 30th November 2021.   The first Continue reading International Paramedic Research Conference 2021: Malcolm Woollard Lecture by Dr Gregory Whitley

Dr Vanessa Botan presents at Australasian College of Paramedicine International Conference

Dr Vanessa Botan, Postdoctoral Research Associate at CaHRU, presented at the Australasian College of Paramedicine International Conference (ACPIC) which was held on the 25th and 26th of November 2021.   Vanessa gave an oral presentation on the findings of the ‘Hypos can strike twice study (Ambu-HS2)‘ Continue reading Dr Vanessa Botan presents at Australasian College of Paramedicine International Conference

Dr Harriet Moore leading research on mental health and emergencies during COVID-19

Ambulance records indicate severe health conditions that have escalated resulting in acute symptoms, often requiring urgent medical attention. During the COVID-19 pandemic our research team, led by Dr Harriet Moore from School of Geography with CaHRU and the Lincoln Institute Continue reading Dr Harriet Moore leading research on mental health and emergencies during COVID-19

CaHRU at THIS Space 2021 on the evidence for improving cross-sector working

Prof Niro Siriwardena gave an invited keynote presentation on 24 November at THIS Space 2021, the annual flagship event of The Healthcare Improvement Studies Institute at Cambridge University led by Prof Mary Dixon-Woods, on the topic of, ‘Improving the evidence Continue reading CaHRU at THIS Space 2021 on the evidence for improving cross-sector working