CaHRU contributes to international EMS quality & safety programme

aHRU contributes to international EMS quality & safety programme

Professor Niro Siriwardena recently contributed to ‘Safer, Better and Stronger: Quality Improvement for EMS Leaders’ a one-day preconference course at the North American Emergency Medical Services Physicians (NAEMSP) Annual Conference in San Diego, on January 10, 2018. Around 60 EMS Continue reading CaHRU contributes to international EMS quality & safety programme

CaHRU receives university team award for achievement in research

Research Team Award 2017 Certificate

This year members of the Community and Health Research Unit received the University of Lincoln team award for Achievement in Research at the Individual Merit and Team Achievement Awards 2017. This was the team’s fifth team award over the past Continue reading CaHRU receives university team award for achievement in research

CaHRU/LIH seminar: Economic methods used in Health Technology Assessment

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This month’s CaHRU/LIH Improvement Science and Research Methods seminar was presented by Dr. Murray Smith, senior research fellow in econometrics and health economics based in CaHRU on 28 November 2017. His topic was a general introduction to health technology assessment, Continue reading CaHRU/LIH seminar: Economic methods used in Health Technology Assessment

Dr Coral Sirdifield speaks at Westminster Legal Policy Forum


Dr Coral Sirdifield, Research Fellow in CaHRU was asked to speak at a Westminster Legal Policy Forum on the 7th of November 2017. The event was attended by people from a variety of organisations including the voluntary sector, Her Majesty’s Continue reading Dr Coral Sirdifield speaks at Westminster Legal Policy Forum

CaHRU/LIH Research methods seminar: Realist evaluation with Dr Paul Leighton

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The latest in the CAHRU/LIH research methods seminars was given by Dr Paul Leighton on 24 October 2017 on the subject of ‘Realist evaluation in health services research’. Paul Leighton is a senior research fellow at the University of Nottingham, Continue reading CaHRU/LIH Research methods seminar: Realist evaluation with Dr Paul Leighton