Scoping review on Community First Responders (CFRs) in the UK published


A new study entitled, ‘Community First Responders (CFRs) and schemes in the United Kingdom: systematic scoping review‘, conducted by members of CaHRU was published on 19th June 2017 in the Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine. This article was Continue reading Scoping review on Community First Responders (CFRs) in the UK published

Community and Health Research Unit & NHS Health Research Forum, June 2017


The latest CaHRU/NHS Research Forum took place on 7th June 2017 at the University of Lincoln. The Research Forum, which takes place three times a year, is an opportunity for colleagues to showcase their research particularly focussing on studies conducted Continue reading Community and Health Research Unit & NHS Health Research Forum, June 2017

Mental health and stigma: why knowledge about mental illness is important

Fractal spiral

The mental health charity Mind states that 1 in 4 individuals experience a mental health problem within their lifetime. Some of these individuals may experience mental health stigma, which is often due to negative connotations associated with mental health [1]. Previous Continue reading Mental health and stigma: why knowledge about mental illness is important

CaHRU students win top spots to present at SAPC Annual Scientific Meeting


Several members of the Community and Health Research Unit have been selected for oral and elevator presentations at the forthcoming Society for Academic Primary Care Annual Scientific Meeting (SAPC ASM). This year’s conference will take place at the University of Continue reading CaHRU students win top spots to present at SAPC Annual Scientific Meeting

CaHRU gives QI workshop at East Midlands Quality Improvement Network meeting


East Midlands Academic Health Science Network hosted the latest East Midlands Quality Improvement Network meeting at Trent Vineyard, Nottingham on 17 May 2017 to over 150 delegates. The network has grown from the East Midlands Quality Improvement, Research and Education Continue reading CaHRU gives QI workshop at East Midlands Quality Improvement Network meeting