East Midlands Research Engaging Patients and the Public Event – CaHRU Masterclass on PPI in research in underserved communities

Viet-Hai at REPP March 2017

Staff from CaHRU contributed to the recent East Midlands Research Engaging Patients and the Public Event held on Thursday 23rd March 2017 at Leicester Diabetes Centre by giving a masterclass on patient and public involvement (PPI) in research. The event Continue reading East Midlands Research Engaging Patients and the Public Event – CaHRU Masterclass on PPI in research in underserved communities

Joseph Akanuwe presents doctoral research on cancer detection at early diagnosis research conference

CR UK Logo

Joseph Akanuwe, research assistant at CaHRU, recently attended the Cancer Research UK’s Fourth Biennial Early Diagnosis Research Conference on 23rd and 24th February 2017 in London. Joseph whose abstract was selected for a poster presentation was awarded a bursary to Continue reading Joseph Akanuwe presents doctoral research on cancer detection at early diagnosis research conference

University of Lincoln hosts Society of Academic Primary Care Trent Regional Conference

University of Lincoln hosts Society of Academic Primary Care Trent Regional Conference

The Community and Health Research Unit and University of Lincoln hosted this year’s Trent Regional SAPC Spring Conference at the Hilton Doubletree Hotel on Brayford Wharf in Lincoln. The conference included delegates from the Universities of Lincoln, Nottingham, Leicester and Continue reading University of Lincoln hosts Society of Academic Primary Care Trent Regional Conference

CaHRU/LIH seminar: Scoping reviews – Viet-Hai Phung

Scoping reviews - Viet-Hai Phung

The latest CaHRU/LIH Improvement Science and Research Methods seminar was on scoping reviews, delivered on 28th February 2017 by Viet-Hai Phung, Research Assistant at CaHRU. Viet-Hai began the seminar by stating the aims of scoping reviews: to “map rapidly the Continue reading CaHRU/LIH seminar: Scoping reviews – Viet-Hai Phung

Improving healthcare commissioning for probation: mapping the landscape

probation wordcloud

Healthcare services available to probationers and how they access them will be examined as part of a new research project. The project, funded by the National Institute of Health Research (NIHR) Research for Patient Benefit Programme aims to produce a Continue reading Improving healthcare commissioning for probation: mapping the landscape