Despina Laparidou presents ‘Perceptions and experiences of residents and relatives of emergencies in care homes’ study at 999 EMS Forum conference

Despina Laparidou, research assistant at CaHRU, presented her study, ‘Perceptions and experiences of residents and relatives of emergencies in care homes: systematic review and meta-synthesis‘ online at the 999 EMS Research Forum Conference 2021, ‘Research in prehospital care: Past, pandemic, Continue reading Despina Laparidou presents ‘Perceptions and experiences of residents and relatives of emergencies in care homes’ study at 999 EMS Forum conference

Dr Vanessa Botan wins highest quality research prize at 999 EMS Forum conference for ‘Ambulance hypos can strike twice’ study

Dr Vanessa Botan, research associate in statistics at CaHRU, gave an oral presentation of the NIHR Applied Research Collaboration East Midlands funded study, on ‘The effects of a leaflet-based intervention, ‘Hypos can strike twice’, on recurrent hypoglycaemic attendances by ambulance Continue reading Dr Vanessa Botan wins highest quality research prize at 999 EMS Forum conference for ‘Ambulance hypos can strike twice’ study

Dr Murray Smith presents study of prehospital methoxyflurane for acute pain in trauma in adults at 999 EMS Forum conference

Dr Murray Smith, senior research fellow in econometrics and health economics, gave an oral presentation of CaHRU’s study on ‘Clinical effectiveness and costs of prehospital inhaled methoxyflurane for acute pain in trauma in adults‘ at the 999 EMS Research Forum Continue reading Dr Murray Smith presents study of prehospital methoxyflurane for acute pain in trauma in adults at 999 EMS Forum conference

CaHRU presents study of prehospital methoxyflurane for acute pain in trauma in adults at 4th annual UK College of Paramedics conference

Prof Niro Siriwardena presented CaHRU’s latest study on ‘Clinical effectiveness and costs of prehospital inhaled methoxyflurane for acute pain in trauma in adults: non-randomised control group study’ from Dr Murray D Smith who led the analysis, with Dr Elise Rowan Continue reading CaHRU presents study of prehospital methoxyflurane for acute pain in trauma in adults at 4th annual UK College of Paramedics conference

Effective management of acute pain in children by Emergency Medical Services


The latest in a series of articles from Greg Whitley’s doctoral studies was published in August 2020 in the Journal of Child Health, ‘The predictors, barriers and facilitators to effective management of acute pain in children by emergency medical services: Continue reading Effective management of acute pain in children by Emergency Medical Services