CaHRU Autumn 2015 newsletter


The latest edition of the CaHRU Newsletter (Autumn2015) was published in November. The newsletter presents the work of the research centre over the previous three months and includes articles from the CaHRU blog covering publications, conferences and funding. The newsletter Continue reading CaHRU Autumn 2015 newsletter

CaHRU receive University of Lincoln team award for achievement in research in 2015

team achievement

The Community and Health Research Unit were awarded the University of Lincoln team award for Achievement in Research at the awards ceremony in November 2015. Members of the team were Professor Niro Siriwardena (director), Dr Zahid Asghar, Dr Zowie Davy, Dr Continue reading CaHRU receive University of Lincoln team award for achievement in research in 2015

Rapid review published on effectiveness of different models of delivering urgent care

A paramedic and his 4x4 emergency vehicle

The NIHR commissioned rapid evidence review to assess the nature and quality of the existing evidence on delivery of emergency and urgent care services and to identify gaps for future research was published last week: Phung V-H (2015) Chapter 6 – Continue reading Rapid review published on effectiveness of different models of delivering urgent care

Article on patient experiences of ambulance care published in Ambulance Today

Paramedic with patient in an ambulance

An article entitled, ‘Feeling reassured: the glue that holds together patients’ experiences of ambulance service care’ was published in the autumn (September) issue of Ambulance Today. The article by Prof Niro Siriwardena and Fiona Togher, based on work undertaken as Continue reading Article on patient experiences of ambulance care published in Ambulance Today

East Midlands Universities Association (EMUA) Student Conference 2015: Impact & Collaboration


On Thursday 3rd September 2015 I was fortunate enough to attend the EMUA Student Conference hosted by The Graduate School at the University of Lincoln. The annual conference provides an excellent opportunity for postgraduate students across the region to network Continue reading East Midlands Universities Association (EMUA) Student Conference 2015: Impact & Collaboration