Study on service user involvement in a prehospital clinical trial of falls published in Trials

EMAS paramedics

One of the few studies of service user involvement in a clinical trials was published this month in the journal Trials: ‘Involving older people in a multi-centre randomised trial of a complex intervention in pre-hospital emergency care: implementation of a Continue reading Study on service user involvement in a prehospital clinical trial of falls published in Trials

CaHRU to contribute to Institute for Healthcare Improvement Web and Action on Improving Prehospital Emergency Care

Paramedic driving an ambulance

Professor Niro Siriwardena will join Dave Williams and EMS leaders from the United States and abroad, conducting pioneering work in the field of prehospital quality improvement, for an Institute for Healthcare Improvement Web and Action on Improving Prehospital Emergency Care Continue reading CaHRU to contribute to Institute for Healthcare Improvement Web and Action on Improving Prehospital Emergency Care

Reassurance important for ambulance services users: new qualitative study published in Health Expectations

Paramedic with patient in an ambulance

Researchers from CaHRU with colleagues from the School of Health and Related Research (ScHARR) at the University of Sheffield have published a new study: “Reassurance as a key outcome valued by emergency ambulance service users: a qualitative interview study” in Continue reading Reassurance important for ambulance services users: new qualitative study published in Health Expectations

Three minutes to present two years’ work on prehospital care for ethnic minorities at European Congress on Emergency Medicine, Amsterdam 2014


It was a pleasure to attend the European Congress on Emergency Medicine in the beautiful environs of Westerpark, Amsterdam from Sunday 28th September – Wednesday 1st October. I had been invited to give a three-minute presentation on the systematic review Continue reading Three minutes to present two years’ work on prehospital care for ethnic minorities at European Congress on Emergency Medicine, Amsterdam 2014

CaHRU attends College of Paramedics National Conference at Warwick University, October 2014

EMAS Paramedics

Viet-Hai Phung, researcher at CaHRU, recently attended the College of Paramedics national conference at Warwick University on 6-7th October 2014. This organisation, formerly the British Paramedic Association, represents the professional interests of prehospital clinicians in the UK. Viet-Hai was one Continue reading CaHRU attends College of Paramedics National Conference at Warwick University, October 2014