Quality improvement webinar series launched

CaHRU are running a series of four ‘Quality Improvement Webinars: Introduction to Quality Improvement for Healthcare Practitioners’ every Friday in January from 9 January. Click here to see the introductory webinar. These have been supported by the Health Foundation and developed from a new book by Steve Gillam and Niro Gillam7680CoverPress2750Siriwardena, Quality Improvement in Primary Care: The essential guide published by Radcliffe Publishing (2014):

Each webinar will be posted before 08:00 am on the dates above. Join us from 12:00-13:00 pm every Friday this January 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th afterwards for a Question & Answer session based on each webinar. All the webinars will be available via the QI learning website: http://elearning.ascqi.co.uk/resources

Send your questions in advance to fwood@lincoln.ac.uk using the hashtag #qilearning and including your twitter handle if you have one or alternatively post your question via twitter to @nsiriwardena

Community and Health Research Unit forms new Research Centre

CaHRU WebsiteThe Community and Health Research Unit (CaHRU) has been awarded status as a university Research Centre. CaHRU’s mission is to increase people’s health and well-being by improving the quality, performance and systems of care across the health, social and third sector care services through interdisciplinary translational research.

CaHRU’s objectives are:

  • to improve people’s health and well-being by shaping the development of health and social care services and systems in the UK and internationally through excellent interdisciplinary translational research;
  • to promote high quality care which enhances the experience, safety, effectiveness, efficiency and equity of healthcare by examining and transforming the performance and function of health and social care practice, organisation and delivery;
  • to  engage service users, carers, practitioners, managers, commissioners and policymakers in our research;
  • to ensure that we maximise the impact of our research by responding to service priorities, working with service users and care organisations to embed research into practice and disseminate findings using the notion of ‘dissemination by design’ and through a variety of media;
  • to enable our researchers to achieve their highest potential through a research environment that encourages cooperation, collaboration and mutual support.

stethoscopeThe new centre, which will still be known as CaHRU, is staffed by 14 core researchers but benefits from working with many colleagues in other academic groups, other academic institutions and health services in a range of disciplines and focuses on translational, empirical and operational research relating to quality improvement in health and social care.

Quality Improvement and Innovation Research Conference, Nottingham 4 February 2015

The next pre-hospital, emergency and trauma care conference which brings together the latest research and practice in ambulance and prehospital care will take place on 4 February 2015 at Nottingham Conference Centre organised by  TRUST (the Thematic Research Network for UnScheduled and Trauma Care), the University of Lincoln, East Midlands Ambulance Service and the 999 EMS Research Forum.

[su_document url=”https://communityandhealth.dev.lincoln.ac.uk/files/2014/10/2015-conference.pdf” height=”820″ responsive=”no”]Multi-morbidity, goal-oriented care, the community and equity[/su_document]

The invitation for abstracts for oral and poster presentations at the conference are now open with a deadline for submission of 14 November 2014. A prize of a funded trip to present work at an international conference will be awarded to the presentation judged to be highest quality research. Other prizes will be awarded for research most likely to affect practice and best poster.

The conference is relevant to healthcare practitioners (paramedics, doctors, nurses), health service managers, policy makers and academics. Conference registration (fee £40) will include access to all presentations and workshops, refreshments and lunch.

To download the submission and guidance form, please click here.

To register contact Susan Bowler: sbowler@lincoln.ac.uk 

Online registration click here

Sleep, health and wellbeing: NICE Topic Advisory Workshop

Professor Niro Siriwardena, director of CAHRU, attended a National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) topic advisory workshop on sleep, health and wellbeing. The event was hosted by NICE and chaired by Professor Colin Espie, Professor in the Nuffield Department of Clinical Neuroscience at the University of Oxford.

Manchester1Attendees were invited experts on sleep and insomnia including sleep scientists, clinical respiratory specialists, public health experts interested in problems of insomnia at various ages from around the United Kingdom. Delegates contributed to discussions about the importance of sleep at various ages, the effects of insomnia on health and the public health implications of poor sleep. The main outcome of the meeting was agreement that sleep was an important public health issue and that NICE would consider developing a public health guideline for insomnia.

Professor Siriwardena and the CaHRU team have been working over the past few years on studies aimed at improving primary care for insomnia. This will be the topic of a conference at the Royal Society of Medicine, London, where experts from the UK and US will discuss ‘CBT for insomnia disorder: evidence base and practical implementation methods‘ on 19 November 2005.

Quality improvement in primary care: the essential guide

A new book, ‘Quality Improvement in Primary Care: the essential guide‘ has recently been published by Radcliffe. The book is co-authored by Dr Steve Gillam (Cambridge University) and Professor Niro Siriwardena (Director of CaHRU, University of Lincoln). The content was developed from the authors’ work on quality improvement over many years and on quality improvement and implementation science research conducted by CaHRU. The text provides the foundations of knowledge for health and social care practitioners and students to improve the quality of care they provide.

Gillam7680CoverPress750The first section of the book ‘Managing for quality’ leads readers though fundamentals of improvement including patient perspectives, leadership and management, regulation and commissioning. The middle section focuses on quality improvement tool and techniques covering topics such as improvement frameworks, processes, measurement, systems, safety, spreading improvement and financial incentives. The final part of the book covers evaluating improvement, understanding evidence and applying this learning to individual and group quality improvement projects.

Quality is a watchword across the health and social care sector. Quality Improvement in Primary Care will be a text for students embarking on the new course module, ‘Quality Improvement, Implementation and Safety Science’ which forms part of the new Master’s in Social Research at the University of Lincoln. It will provide readers with the tools to convert challenges and opportunities for improvement into meaningful and useful change.[su_document url=”https://communityandhealth.dev.lincoln.ac.uk/files/2014/10/Quality-improvement-in-primary-care.pdf” height=”1600″ responsive=”no”]Multi-morbidity, goal-oriented care, the community and equity[/su_document]