Improvement Science and Research Methods Seminar July 2021: Dr Fiona Togher on The development of a Patient Reported Experience Measure for use in NHS ambulance services

The latest Improvement Science and Research Methods Seminar was given online via Teams on 15 July 2021 by Dr Fiona Togher on the topic of ‘The development of a Patient Reported Experience Measure for use in NHS Ambulance Services.’ Fiona Continue reading Improvement Science and Research Methods Seminar July 2021: Dr Fiona Togher on The development of a Patient Reported Experience Measure for use in NHS ambulance services

Improvement science and research methods seminar June 2021: Dr Maria Kordowicz on The origins and practice of ethnography in health

The June 2021 Improvement science and research methods seminar was given by Dr Maria Kordowicz, visiting research fellow at CaHRU, who presented on ‘The origins and practice of ethnography in health’ took place on 16 June 2021. Dr Kordowicz has Continue reading Improvement science and research methods seminar June 2021: Dr Maria Kordowicz on The origins and practice of ethnography in health

New ESRC study on impact of COVID-19 on probation’s work to improve health of people under supervision

The latest research funding for CaHRU was awarded to Dr Coral Sirdifield and her team, for a study titled, ‘Understanding and learning from the impact of COVID-19 on probation’s work to improve the health of people under its supervision‘. The Continue reading New ESRC study on impact of COVID-19 on probation’s work to improve health of people under supervision

Doctoral studies at CaHRU

CaHRU supports a number of PhD and MSc students, some funded by external grants, others through university studentships and also a number of self-funded doctoral studies. Greg Whitley is a paramedic, supported by a studentship from the NIHR Applied Research Continue reading Doctoral studies at CaHRU

Effective management of acute pain in children by Emergency Medical Services


The latest in a series of articles from Greg Whitley’s doctoral studies was published in August 2020 in the Journal of Child Health, ‘The predictors, barriers and facilitators to effective management of acute pain in children by emergency medical services: Continue reading Effective management of acute pain in children by Emergency Medical Services