Improvement Science and Research Methods seminar: Prof Sarah Redsell on recruitment to community based trials

We had the privilege of welcoming Professor Sarah Redsell, Professor of Public Health Nursing at Anglia Ruskin University, to give the last of this season’s CaHRU/LIH Improvement Science and Research Methods seminar series.

edfHer talk entitled ‘Understanding health professional study recruitment behaviour in community-based research’described her ground-breaking work over the past decade on early detection and prevention of childhood obesity. Chilhood obesity is a major public health issues in high income countries such as the United States, the United Kingdom and mainland European states. Health visitors, are in frequent contact with parents of children under five years of age who they provide a universal service to, which suggests they may be ideally placed to recruit parents and their children to NHS research studies.

The seminar focussed on challenges in recruiting parents to a feasibility study which aimed to identify and intervene with parents whose infants are at risk of developing overweight and obesity. A follow-up study used the Theoretical Domains Framework to understand health visitor and midwives study recruitment behaviour and highlighted the need to include an understanding of health professionals’ behaviour, including their knowledge, competing priorities and role conflict.

[su_document url=”” width=”660″]Multi-morbidity, goal-oriented care, the community and equity[/su_document]

By Prof A N Siriwardena

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