Professor Sara Owen contributes to DELAROSE Project


Head of the College of Social Science and LIH steering group member Professor Sara Owen attended the 2nd steering group meeting for the DELAROSE project; a pan-European consortium of Universities and disability service organisation co-ordinated by the Waterford Institute of  Technology (WIT). The meeting was held at Guy’s Hospital in London on May 2nd 2014, with the project work package leads outlining to the rest of the DELAROSE team, progress of the project to date for each work package. 

DELAROSE stands for Delivering E Learning Accreditation to Reduce Occupational Stress in Employment and is funded by Léargas under the Transfer of Innovation of the EU Leonardo da Vinci funding scheme. It builds on the previously successful ROSE project, (, which developed an online self-help suite of interventions to support health and social care workers to manage their own stress.

The DELAROSE project aims to develop ROSE further through the addition of supplementary support material to support workers and to give them the opportunity to gain academic credits from one of three higher education institutions in Europe (WIT, in Ireland; the Karl Franzens University (KFU) in Graz, Austria and the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland – SUPSI) by completing the online programme. Another unique aspect of the DELAROSE project is that it will develop a table of equivalency between the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) with the European Credit for Vocational Education and Training system (ECVET), to facilitate mobility and credit recognition between the three HEIs that will offer the programme. As such it will be the first programme in an HEI in Ireland to use ECVET as well as ECTS.

For further information on DELAROSE visit the project website.