CaHRU/LIH seminar: Quality Improvement Collaboratives – theory design and effects


The latest in the CaHRU and Lincoln Institute for Health Improvement Science and Research Methods seminar series was given by Professor Siriwardena on ‘Quality Improvement Collaboratives (QICs): theory design and effects on 28 February 2018. The CaHRU team have led Continue reading CaHRU/LIH seminar: Quality Improvement Collaboratives – theory design and effects

CaHRU study presented at Abu Dhabi medical education conference


Dr Julie Pattinson presented at the Ottawa-International Conference on Medical Education (ICME), Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates; March 10th – 14th 2018. The conference is held biennially and provides a forum for medical and other health care profession educationalists to Continue reading CaHRU study presented at Abu Dhabi medical education conference

Laura Simmons presents systematic review on sickness absence interventions

Warwick in snow

Laura Simmons, PhD student in CaHRU and the Lincoln Institute for Health, recently attended the Division of Occupational Psychology Annual Conference on the 10th-12th January in Stratford-upon-Avon. The conference’s main theme surrounded the notion of “Evolution +/or Revolution”, focussing on Continue reading Laura Simmons presents systematic review on sickness absence interventions

Professor Graham Law gives inaugural lecture on ‘Sleep, sugar and statistics’ to a packed audience

Graham Law inaugural lecture

Professor Graham Law delivered his inaugural lecture on 30 January 2018 to a full audience of members of academic staff and the general public. The lecture included an outline of Graham’s academic career from posts at York and Leeds Universities Continue reading Professor Graham Law gives inaugural lecture on ‘Sleep, sugar and statistics’ to a packed audience

Working with Parliament

Working with Parliament

Dr Coral Sirdifield and Dr Rebecca Marples from CaHRU were invited to meet with Sam Giymah MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Justice Duty Minister in November 2017. Coral and Rebecca discussed their current work on their Improving Healthcare Commissioning Continue reading Working with Parliament