Ambulance Services Cardiovascular Quality Initiative resources now online

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The new Ambulance Services Cardiovascular Quality Initiative (ASCQI) website was launched this month. The website describes how the ASCQI project, funded by the Health Foundation’s Closing the Gap in Clinical Communities Programme, achieved its aims as the first national quality Continue reading Ambulance Services Cardiovascular Quality Initiative resources now online

New quality improvement e-learning programme ‘QI Learning’ launched

QI Logo

A new e-learning website ‘QI Learning‘ has been launched by CaHRU as an introduction to quality improvement for health and social care professionals. The e-learning programme is based on CaHRU’s work on quality improvement and covers four main areas: managing Continue reading New quality improvement e-learning programme ‘QI Learning’ launched

Quality improvement webinar series launched

Book Cover

CaHRU are running a series of four ‘Quality Improvement Webinars: Introduction to Quality Improvement for Healthcare Practitioners’ every Friday in January from 9 January. Click here to see the introductory webinar. These have been supported by the Health Foundation and developed Continue reading Quality improvement webinar series launched

New study on paramedic decision making published

Decision making and safety paper

A new study focusing on decision making by paramedic and specialist paramedic staff and conducted in three English National Health Service (NHS) Ambulance Service Trusts was published this month. The study, entitled ‘A qualitative study of systemic influences on paramedic decision Continue reading New study on paramedic decision making published

Reassurance important for ambulance services users: new qualitative study published in Health Expectations

Paramedic with patient in an ambulance

Researchers from CaHRU with colleagues from the School of Health and Related Research (ScHARR) at the University of Sheffield have published a new study: “Reassurance as a key outcome valued by emergency ambulance service users: a qualitative interview study” in Continue reading Reassurance important for ambulance services users: new qualitative study published in Health Expectations