Laura Simmons joins CaHRU and the Lincoln Institute for Health

laura simmons

Laura Simmons joined CaHRU and the Lincoln Institute of Health this September 2016 as a PhD student, researching the effects of camaraderie among paramedics and their stress responses to critical incidents. Before commencing her studies at the University of Lincoln, Continue reading Laura Simmons joins CaHRU and the Lincoln Institute for Health

CaHRU Summer 2016 Newsletter


The latest edition of the CaHRU Newsletter (Summer 2016) was published in September 2016. The newsletter presents the work of the research centre over the previous three months and includes articles from the CaHRU blog covering publications, conferences and funding. The newsletter Continue reading CaHRU Summer 2016 Newsletter

Sharing the learning, one year on – HEI Challenge for Patient Supported Quality Improvement in Health and Social Care


Funded by the East Midlands Academic Health Science Network in April 2015, the HEI Challenge Award has been a unique opportunity for East Midlands universities to demonstrate excellence in teaching and research for health and social care professionals. The project Continue reading Sharing the learning, one year on – HEI Challenge for Patient Supported Quality Improvement in Health and Social Care

Rachel Hawley co-authors new book on values and ethics in coaching

Elephants in river

A new book, Values and Ethics in Coaching, co-authored by Rachel Hawley of CaHRU will be published next month. Rachel is Project Manager of the HEI Challenge for Patient Supported Quality Improvement led by CaHRU. The book, which is the Continue reading Rachel Hawley co-authors new book on values and ethics in coaching

Joseph Akanuwe joins CaHRU

Joseph Akanuwe joins CaHRU

Joseph Akanuwe recently joined CaHRU as a research assistant working on quality improvement and implementation science projects in primary and prehospital care. Joseph has a nursing and public health background. After qualifying as a registered general nurse (RGN) he worked Continue reading Joseph Akanuwe joins CaHRU