Laura Simmons joins CaHRU and the Lincoln Institute for Health

Laura Simmons joined CaHRU and the Lincoln Institute of Health this September 2016 as a PhD student, researching the effects of camaraderie among paramedics and their stress responses to critical incidents.

LauraSimmons2Before commencing her studies at the University of Lincoln, Laura completed her MSc Applied Psychology (2014-2015) and BSc Psychology (2011-2014) at the University of Worcester where she was also a Sessional Lecturer in Psychology, teaching on a variety of modules including Research Methods and Introduction to Psychology.

Laura’s primary research interests include mental health and well-being, in particular relationships within the workplace and the impact of this on an individual. Her previous research explored mental health stigma among university students and the relationship between knowledge and stigma, as well as the formation of camaraderie within the workplace, specifically the occupational relationships of employees in small teams.

It was her MSc dissertation and experience of working within a small, friendly team that inspired Laura to look further at the phenomenon of camaraderie, specifically the impact of this on an occupation where employees are likely to experience high levels of occupational stress. As Laura has worked with quantitative and qualitative research methods in previous projects, her PhD aims to utilise mixed methods to explore factors such as a paramedic’s performance, well-being and patient care.

Laura is also a member of the British Psychological Society (BPS).