Professor Niro Siriwardena on primary care management of insomnia at Royal Society of Medicine


Prof Niro Siriwardena was one of the invited speakers at the Royal Society of Medicine conference on CBT for insomnia disorder: evidence base and practical implementation methods, where he spoke on ‘Applying CBT for insomnia in general practice’. This was Continue reading Professor Niro Siriwardena on primary care management of insomnia at Royal Society of Medicine

Reassurance important for ambulance services users: new qualitative study published in Health Expectations

Paramedic with patient in an ambulance

Researchers from CaHRU with colleagues from the School of Health and Related Research (ScHARR) at the University of Sheffield have published a new study: “Reassurance as a key outcome valued by emergency ambulance service users: a qualitative interview study” in Continue reading Reassurance important for ambulance services users: new qualitative study published in Health Expectations

Carers of dementia sufferers: Empowerment and Efficacy via Education (CADS: E3)

Brain falling apart - artwork

A team from CaHRU, led by Dr Jo Middlemass has come together with researchers from the Schools of Education (Prof Terence Karran), Psychology (Dr John Hudson) and Social Science (Despina Laparidou, Prof Niro Siriwardena, Dr Karen Windle, Dr Paul Mansfield) Continue reading Carers of dementia sufferers: Empowerment and Efficacy via Education (CADS: E3)

Identifying barriers and facilitators to ambulance service assessment and treatment of acute asthma: a focus group study

EMAS paramedic

Researchers in CaHRU and East Midlands Ambulance Service NHS Trust (EMAS) have published a new study: “Identifying barriers and facilitators to ambulance service assessment and treatment of acute asthma: a focus group study” in BMC Emergency Medicine. The study’s lead Continue reading Identifying barriers and facilitators to ambulance service assessment and treatment of acute asthma: a focus group study

Ambulance Services Cardiovascular Quality Initiative findings published in Implementation Science

EMAS paramedics

The results of a national Quality Improvement Collaborative study, the Ambulance Services Cardiovascular Quality Initiative (ASCQI) were published this week in the international academic journal Implementation Science. The article entitled The effect of a national quality improvement collaborative on prehospital care Continue reading Ambulance Services Cardiovascular Quality Initiative findings published in Implementation Science